Spinning Machine Manufacturer

龙岩Okay TW 3 Wheel CNC Spinning Machine

龙岩Okay TW 3 Wheel CNC Spinning Machine
Detailed introduction:

OKTW series three wheels heavy spinning machine are mainly used for the spinning of the reducing or thickening of the tubes; small diameter of the thick materials and could harden some surface by spinning. The machine has the advantages of high rigidity and high accuracy, etc. It could process the precision cylinder parts, high pressure gas cylinder, servo hydraulic cylinder parts, the housing of the motor, etc. Is widely used in the fields of military, aerospace industries, chemical and pressure vessel, etc.
The three spinning wheels are designed for 120ºeach, and the turret is integrated structure with rational spinning capacity. The three spinning wheels could run separately, and could process in forward flow forming, reverse flow forming, and in different steps. The spindle could stop in any position which is convenient to load and unload the molds, and supports for the special forming process. The products unload in two ways: in the center of the spinning wheels and by sliding
The machine adopts late technology and standard components, to have lower costs for the using and maintenance to ensure the high efficient production.

加工方式:    卧式三轮数控旋压 
Process Style: Horizental 3 wheel CNC SPINNING
原料直径 Raw Material Diameter:    maxФ700 minФ100
正旋长度 Length for Forward Flow Forming: 2500mm
反旋长度 Length for Reverse Flow Forming: 3200mm
材料厚度 Max Thickness for Raw Material: 铝合金 Alumnium: 30mm
低碳钢 Low Carbon Steel: 15mm
技术指标 Technical Parameter:
旋轮 Spinning Wheel -----
径向行程 Radial Direction Travel:        260mm
轴向行程  Spindle Direction Travel:      3200mm
各轴移动速度 Spindle Speed:               max    2m/min
横向轴推力 Crosswise Spindle Push Force:     300KN*3

  • longitudinal

  • Spindle Push Force:  350KN*2
    径向定位精度 Spindle Accuracy:        0.03mm
    轴向定位精度 Radial Accuracy:           0.06mm
    重复精度 Repeat Accuracy:                  0.02mm
    三轮错距方式 手动调节,Max距离50mm

  • 3 wheels Distance  Adjustment: Manually; Max distance 50mm

    尾顶 Press Pole of Tailstock ------
    主轴-尾顶双心距Distance between Spindle and Press Pole: 2800mm
    尾顶纵向行程 底座1500mm+顶杆500mm

  • Loongitudinal Travel of Press Pole of tailstock: Tailstokck: 1500mm + Press Pole: 500mm

    • 尾座横向偏移: Tailstock Crosswise Skewing:  1000mm
      尾顶力 Pess Force of Tailstock:  max  100kn (可调Adjustable)
      卸料方式 Unloacing-------         
        1.主轴顶料   Spindle Press Unloading:  行程Tavel: 100mm
        2. 滑台退料 Slider Backward Unloading: 行程Travel: 2000mm
      主轴 Spindle--------
      主轴功率Powe of Spindle: 132KW
      主轴变速The Pindle Speed Adjustment:  机械+变频 (Mechnical + Frenquency Converter)
      主轴转速The Speed of Spindle:       0——200rpm
      硬件配置hardware configuration
      控制方式Control Style: 西门子828D数控系统Simens 828D CNC System
      进给动力Feed Power: 西门子伺服电机1FK7系列Siemens Servo Motor 1FK7 series
      驱动控制Driven Control: 西门子S120 Siemens S120
      主轴动力Spindle Power: 132kw伺服电机 132KW Servo Motor
      主轴控制Spindo Control:     伺服驱动器 Servo Drive
      液压站功率Hydraulic station power: 37KW
      设备占地:Equipment occupation: 
      长14米*宽4.8米*高4米 Length: 14m X Width 4.8m X Height 4m   
      设备总功率 Total power of Machine: 170kw
      设备重量        约56吨
      Machine weight: about 56 tons



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    自动旋压机   Tel:0512-52876280

    自动旋压机   Mob:138-1768-136

    旋压机厂家   Fax:0512-52876280

    旋压机厂家   Email:okayspin@hotmail.com

    旋压机厂家  Address:No. 4 Minsheng Rd. Dongbang Town. Changshu, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215535 China

    旋压机厂家   Copy Right:Okay Machine (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

    自动旋压机   Record number:  Su ICP No. 19064750-1
